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Time to take stock

Time to take stock

  • Data

At the end of the year, it’s time to draw conclusions, analyzing the goals achieved and setting new ones. 
For D'Andrea, 2021 was a positive year, both in terms of turnover and personal and technological growth. 

For us, in 2021, it was and will continue to be fundamental to grasp the orientations and expectations of workers: there are always areas of improvement that must be pursued and there are always points to which due attention.
We expect the positive trend to continue in 2022 and, of course, beyond. 

Improve to grow 

In 2020 and 2021, we made important decisions that allowed a strategic corporate reorganization. In this period we have improved the production process, enhanced quality and updated our catalogue, focusing our offer on products with higher technological content. 

In particular, the EMO Fair, which was held in Milan in October 2021, provided us with important confirmations to develop new products that will see the light in 2022. 

Growth target

Growth is undoubtedly a key objective of our company. The turnover in 2021 was very positive and, we expect that in 2022 it will continue to maintain the positive sign, thanks also to the recovery of the foreign and Italian markets. 
Naturally, our growth will always be in compliance with the company mission, strongly based on quality, customization and service. 


It should not be surprising: technology is our core business, alongside the service that must always accompany it. 
For this reason, also in 2022, we will continue in the constant search for optimization and innovation that also characterized the closing year, as well as the previous ones. 

This is a matter of DNA, and primary objectives.